Tuition is charged on a monthly basis. Hours are based on the number of class hours taken per week.
• 10% Household Discount
For siblings and students coming from the same household, we offer 10% off each additional student registered (discount is applied to the lower of the tuitions).
•Advanced Payment Discount
Pay for your 5-month semester in advance and receive 5% off your entire semester!
• Pay-what-you-can Pricing
See below for more details.
Pay-what-you-can Pricing
SOMA is excited to introduce pay-what-you-can tuition because we believe dance should be accessible to everyone; cost should never prevent someone with a passion from getting the education they deserve.
Scholarships are granted based on written or video submissions from a student(s) or parent(s).
Scholarships are granted on an individual basis and all personal/financial information is kept secure & private. Scholarships are granted through a work-study program based on your schedule and the discretion of the director.
For more information, please email us at